Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Monday, October 28, 2013

3 Easy Weight Loss Tips For Women

If you want to lose weight quickly then you want to spend 2 minutes reading this article because I want to show you 3 tips for easy weight loss that you can implement in no time.

Tip #1 No Skipping of Meal

You may be surprise at the first tip because many people who want to lose weight try to skip their meal. That is a no, no. The reason why you want to avoid skipping your meal is because when you skip your meal, you are further slowing down your metabolism rate. Therefore instead of skipping meal, you want to take smaller meal.

Tip #2 Start Doing Exercise

I know the word exercise sound scary to you but if you want to lose weight, you got to exercise. Exercise can be fun and enjoyable if you do it the right way, so let me share with you one exercise you can do that does not take up much of your time.

The exercise I am talking about is doing squad in fast speed. The best time you can exercise is during TV commercial ads so make full use of this break time to lose some fat.

Tip #3 Eat Apples Daily

I am sure you heard of this saying before "an apple a day, keep the doctor away"? but this phrase is also true "an apple a day, keep your fat away"? Apple is a high fiber fruit that will help you to digest your food better and in addition, it contains high water content that will fill up your stomach so when it is time to eat your meal, you won't eat as much.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Programs That Work

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