Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Monday, October 14, 2013

2 Easy Tips For Lasting Weight Loss

Are you serious about wanting to lose some weight? Then these two tips might be very helpful to you.

First of all, and this is of paramount importance, cut out the junk food. This means fast foods, processed foods, and most snack foods, and includes things like hamburgers and cheeseburgers, french fries, pizza, chips, and so on. There is very little nutritional benefit to eating any of these, while at the same time, eating them contributes significantly to your weight gain. That is not a good trade off, and all your weight loss efforts will be undermined as long as you continue to indulge yourself with these foods. By taking just this one step of cutting out the junk food, and replacing it with healthy and more nourishing alternatives, you will make all your other weight loss efforts that much more effective and you will be well on your way to the results you are hoping for.

Secondly, begin drinking lots of water - everyday. The importance and benefit of this cannot be overstated. Drinking water not only keeps you hydrated, which is important for good health in general, it also helps to cleanse your system of impurities while boosting your metabolism to help you burn more calories (ice cold water actually works best for this). Ideally you should start off each day by drinking two glasses of water when you wake up in the morning. Then drink at least six more throughout the rest of the day, for a total of about 64 ounces overall. The best practice by far is to cut out high calorie soft drinks altogether and replace them with water. It is estimated that nearly 25% of our daily intake of calories is from what we drink. Drinking mostly water instead can actually save us as much as 15 pounds over the course of a year! This has to be one of the simplest, yet most neglected ways to lose weight at our disposal. Why not give it a try?

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight Fast And Healthy

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